Property Risk Solutions
Commitment to compliance and fire protection control within the built environment has been an integral part of our core business function. Our knowledge and expertise in this field has afforded us an opportunity to broaden our business scope to include Property Risk Survey solutions on behalf of insurance companies and private organisations.
By integrating general property risk survey procedures and compliance with fire protection compliance, Firebrand is able to offer a comprehensive inspection solution that will increase the measure of verifiable findings in order to conclude a salient and quality driven Property Risk Survey Report. The client will now be able to mitigate risk even further, while reducing potential safety risks to personnel.
Compliance with NBR and by-laws are mandatory to insurance cover being effected and are therefore utilised as guidelines. Patent and visible risks observed are assessed and recorded.
Our inspection system encompasses a comprehensive approach based on the following South African guidelines & standards:
- Insurance Schedule/Policy Working
- National Building Regulations
- SANS Codes Applicable to Fire Safety, Security, Lightning & Extraction Systems
- National Building Regulations & Building Standards Act, Act 103 of 1977
- National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 Emergency Services By-laws
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Google Maps & GIS Systems – Accepted International Standards such as NFPA
Specialised Fire Risk Assessments
Risk matrix referencing legislation and good practice compiled for each assessed area documenting ndings supported by photos. Recommendations prioritised enabling sequential remedial work based on maximum risk mitigation impact.
Core Property Inspection Scope includes:
- General Building Condition
- Occupancy Identification & Activities
- Fire Prevention & Control
- Safety Concerns & Control
- Utility Management
Stages of Service include:
Physical Assessment, Compliance Verification & Identification of the Current Risk Exposure, in accordance with internal survey procedures.
Draft the Risk Survey Report & present to insurer with risk reduction recommendations and requirements.